6671 SW Freeway Ste # 466, Houston, TX 77074, | +1-713-777-1214 | info@siutna.org

Patient Spotlights

“Agar SIUT na hota tou Kanwal Bhi na Hoti”, Our beautiful and talented transplant patient, Kanwal Naaz, shares her story at SIUT..

Mr.Khan traveled all the way from Qatar to receive treatment at SIUT. He expresses his gratitude towards the SIUT team.

Meesha’s “Treatment and Beyond” journey at SIUT, has led to the healthy and happy life she leads now.

Shama Javed COVID-19 Recovered Patient

Abdul Sattar COVID-19 Recovered Patient

Journey of Sameer at SIUT

Journey of Aliza at SIUT

Journey of Meesha at SIUT

Afshan Story

Listen to Afshan’s story and how her journey at SIUT not only changed her life but also how she is now giving back to help save others.

Afghanistan Patient Story

Here is story of a patient from Afghanistan treated at SIUT. The Emergency ward at SIUT works 365/24/7. Dedicated SIUT staff is always there to take care of patients with critical needs.

Siraj Khan Story

Siraj Khan’s story at SIUT Emergency. The city of Karachi with a teeming population of over 20 million is the most populous city of Pakistan, and also the 8th most populous in the world.

Hafeez Suleman Story

A kidney transplant recipient recalls his experience at SIUT. Hafeez Suleman and his wife Seema Suleman live in Houston, Texas. Hafeez Suleman, who had a kidney failure, had to travel to Karachi-Pakistan as he was denied treatment because of his temporary status at the time.

Saadat Khan Story

SIUT performs hundreds of kidney transplants every year, all free of cost to the patients. Here is a story of Saadat Khan, as told by him.In November 1991, Saadat Khan from Astore Valley in Northern Pakistan found out that both of his kidneys had failed and was given 2 -3 months to live.