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International Bioethics Conference at SIUT

A three day international collaborative Conference on Biomedical Ethics was held at SIUT Pakistan. The conference called for enhancing the agenda of bioethics globally. The conference was jointly organized by the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CEBEC) of SIUT and their counterpart from Indonesia. Experts from WHO and UNESCO also took part in the conference. The prime aim of the conference was to disseminate the concept of bioethics education and the challenges faced in this field. In his welcome address, Professor Adib Rizvi, Director of SIUT, highlighted the economic and social disparity which exists between the developed and the developing world. He said that massive exploitation of resources and injustices has divided the world in two different zones. Prof Rizvi pointed out that “80 per cent of the people in the developing countries are disenfranchised and for them, both health and education is a luxury.” He said that SIUT is the only medical institution in the country which has bioethics centre in its fold for discussing ethical challenges to the world of medical sciences. He greatly lauded the role of CEBEC who is supplementing the clinical activities of SIUT by discussing and projecting the ethical issues of the medical world. Others who spoke at the opening session included Dr Farhat Moazzam, Chairperson of the CEBEC, who discussed the challenges of developing Pakistan’s first bioethics centre. Dr Beth Rivin, Professor of Law from the University of Washington, Professor Yati Soearto, a Pediatrician from Indonesia, Ms Abha Saxena and Dr Ahmed Mandil of WHO, and Dr Susan, Vice Regional Advsor of UNESCO, were other speakers. Dr Amer Jaffery of CEBEC and Dr Shahid Shamin, an alumnus of CEBEC spoke on education and teaching tools for bioethics.

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